Being Right or Feeling Connected

anxiety blame energy family perspective Dec 23, 2021

Want Santa to bring you the gift of being right or feeling connected this holiday season?

I know, feels like a trick question right?

Can’t we just have both?

Santa is definitely not the only one keeping score…

We all have thoughts on how people, and ESPECIALLY OUR FAMILY, should show up.

πŸ›‘ What they should and shouldn’t do.

πŸ›‘ What’s appropriate behavior for someone “their age”

πŸ›‘ What’s being fun and what’s going too far.

πŸ›‘ What’s playful and what’s hurtful.

πŸ›‘ What’s classy versus oh-so-tacky.

πŸ›‘ Too conservative or too liberal.

πŸ›‘ To vax or not to vax… πŸ’‰πŸ’‰πŸ’‰ oh the fun holiday debates will be!

Our brains are wired to judge others and ourselves - it’s what we humans do.

And being around family can definitely trigger us BIG TIME.

Being stuck in judgement, about others or ourselves, keeps us disconnected. The antidote to judgement is curiosity and compassion - we’ve all got our reasons for why we show up the way we do.

If you have a certain special someone who easily gets on your last nerve, try asking yourself these questions about them:

πŸ•ŠWhy do you imagine they do the things they do?
πŸ•ŠWhat thoughts do you imagine drive their actions?
πŸ•ŠWhat are you making it mean about them that they are showing up this way?
πŸ•ŠWhat are you making mean about you and your relationship with them when they do or don’t do the things.

Try sprinkling a little curiosity and compassion in your eggnog this holiday season! πŸ’«

And if it all feels like too big a nut to crack- let’s chat! 😘