Believing You're Enough

confidence self love Sep 08, 2021

This is one of the most important things we coach on - believing we’re enough.

Becoming aware of our thoughts around not being enough or unworthy of love.

1️⃣Becoming aware of these thoughts is the first step.

2️⃣Then knowing you don’t have to believe all your thoughts.

3️⃣Then choosing on purpose how you want to think about yourself and your ability to love and be loved.

4️⃣Then practicing these new thoughts and beliefs until we believe them.

YOU are the only person that you'll spend your entire life with, start to finish.

There may be different phases of 'you'. You may change and evolve over the years.

But you'll always have YOU - your brain is going with YOU wherever YOU go.

So learning and practicing self love and not believing everything your brain tells you is one of the best gifts you can give yourself.

AND you can be working on loving yourself more AND be dating or in a relationship.

Now go give yourself some loves today, even if your brain tells you you’re not “enough” yet.