Make Magic with Your Future Self

Nov 04, 2021

Imagine life is a three legged race… and you don’t even know it, but your future self is right there with you. Tied to you. Running with you.

And she’s also at the finish line - knowing all you are capable of creating and accomplishing. She’s cheering you on as loud as she can. She’s your biggest fan.

She helps pick you up and dust you off when you take a huge fall.

She’s hugging you as you cry when you feel hurt and scared.

She wants it all for you - YOUR BEST LIFE.

She knows all your super powers even if you don’t yet.

She is loving and compassionate and knows all the bumps and bruises are part of what is creating your strength. She doesn’t want to protect you from them - she knows within them are the lessons you need to reach all your full badass glorious potential!!

When she sees you get out of the game, she’s loosing her voice cheering you on to encourage you to get back in it.

She’ll sit down with you on the field when you need to catch your breath or she’ll get you bandaids for your emotional scrapes.

Then she’ll stand up, reach out a hand, and help pull you back up.

Lovingly pat you on the butt and tell you to get your cute buns back out there.

She’s like the most beautiful pure truth energy - your fairy god mother, higher self, full potential, & guardian angel all rolled into one.

🦄What does she want you to know?
🦄What would she cheer you on to do and believe about yourself?
🦄What would she tell you to stop doing?

Come on! She’s waiting for you to dust yourself off and get fully in the game.


If you're ready to find the love of your life and make some magic, book a call with me.