Personal Training for Your Love Life

coach dating relationship May 26, 2021

I’m becoming a bigger ass - and I’m proud of it!

Say what?

I’ve always had a flat -extended back - pancake butt.

Ask my friends - they tease me about it.

My my mom has skinny legs and no butt.

My dad has skinny legs and no butt.

It’s a family curse! Why even try? 🔮

I complained about it. 👿

I wished for a butt. 🙏🏼📿

I was jealous of my friend’s butts.

I REALLY wanted a bang’n bootie.

But - I never did anything directly about it.

Until recently I hired a personal trainer with the #1 goal of getting a butt.

Well, it turns out my ankles are so tight, I don’t engage my butt muscles easily.

So for the past couple of months, we’ve been working on my ankle mobility and getting to my butt muscles.

And guess what!!??

I’m getting me an ASS, Baby! 🙌🏻🍑💃🏻

I’m no JLO - but I’m LOVING MY NEW POP’n (mini) BOOTIE!

And YEP, you guessed right - this is an analogy for dating & finding your person coaching.

Do you feel cursed by your parent’s failed marriage or a string of bad relationships - like I felt cursed by my butt genetics?

Do you think just because you’ve never had a relationship or a string of not-so-good ones that love just isn’t in the cards for you?

Do you feel jealous of your friend’s amazing relationship, but aren’t doing anything to create it for yourself?

Think of me as a personal trainer for your love life.

It may be as easy as just loosening up some “tightness” in a few areas and then…

VOILA! ⚡️✨

BAM!! 💥


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