Scary Movies in Your Mind

Oct 28, 2021

Should I dress up as a widow for Halloween? πŸ‘°πŸ»‍β™€οΈπŸ’€πŸͺ¦

Our brains are always on the lookout for things to spook it. πŸ‘»

When I met and fell in love with Greg. When I knew in my heart he was the one for me AND I was the one for him AND we were in it to win it - my brain immediately went to -ALL THE WAYS HE CAN DIE. πŸ•·πŸͺœπŸ”«πŸβ˜ οΈβš οΈπŸšœπŸ›₯


Really, Brain? You’re going to play that scary movie in my head on repeat????

I had dated for four strait years. Found the man of my dreams. Was head over heels in love. Adoring and being adored. Knew he was my person and I was his person.

But yet…still…my brain was like - NOPE- uh uh - don’t you stop worrying.

HE CAN DIE ANY MOMENT. πŸ•·πŸͺœπŸ”«πŸβ˜ οΈβš οΈπŸšœπŸ›₯

(To my brain’s defense, Greg does some crazy shit and is accident prone!)

Your brain likes to be spooked and is always looking for what could go wrong and will play that scary movie in your head. 🎞😱πŸ”ͺπŸ’”

That is how we are wired for survival - our brains are looking for the spooky scary stuff so we can avoid all the painful dangers lurking around us. πŸ§›πŸ»‍♂️

We have a natural negativity bias too - to pay more attention to negative things.

Your brain is like the best scary movie writer and director - it gets creative and is always looking for new material!

The good news - we don’t always have to get spooked by our thoughts. We can see our frightening thoughts like a really scary movie in our mind - they are just made up stories. They're just thoughts.

AND we can learn to focus on writing, producing and starring in our own romcom instead of a horror pic. ❀️🎞🍿πŸŽ₯

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