Stop Hating on Online Dating

dating find love thoughts Feb 03, 2022

Why to stop telling yourself you hate the apps and online dating.

⭐️39% of Americans met their partners online according to the Stanford sociologist, Michael Rosenfeld’s 2019 study.

🤩Online dating has a waaaaaay bigger pool of potential partners than we could EVER meet through our friends, family, work, hobbies, & special interests.

🌟More people means a greater chance you can meet someone that fits what you’re looking for.

💫The chances of the relationship working out is the same if you met them online or in real life.

So stop hating on the apps and working them as the amazing tool they are! 🧰🔨

Listen I know its fun to swap crazy pics and profiles with your friends. I KNOW.

BUT you’re reinforcing and giving energy to something you hope isn’t true.

Also, we hate things we hate. We hide from things we hate. We avoid things we hate.

If you tell your brain there are no good guys out there or that everyone on the apps SUCK- your brain is going to go full force & full-time trying to prove you right.

Your thoughts and beliefs directly create your results.

SO start practicing the thoughts and beliefs you want to create in your love life.

💬I am becoming open to the possibility my person is on the apps/online too.
💬If catches like me are online - my partner can be online too.
💬I'm learning to just see the apps and dating sites as one of many tools in my toolbox for finding my love.
💬I’m learning to become THE BOSS of my love life.

As always - I’m here for you if you want to stop hating the dating game and start WINNING it instead! Book a free consult here. 💋