To Fish or Not To Fish?

coach dating find love perspective thoughts Sep 01, 2021

To fish or not to fish - it is a surprisingly important question!

About a year ago, my coaching mentor announced that she had divorced and was dating. During one of our group coaching calls, she made a comment - ‘What’s with all the guys with fish pics in their profiles?’ - she always swiped left on the fish pic guys.

I had to laugh - this pic of Greg was staring at me on my desk as she spoke!

I got curious and asked around about the great fish debate - and learned fishies are surprisingly polarizing! 🎣

You’re either in or out on the profile fish pic thing.

(Definitely more consensus on the dick pics than the fish pics🍆👎🏻 🤣)

This fishy post is a reminder:

We all make snap judgements about people and people will do the same to us.

We all have the right to swipe whatever way we want for whatever reason we want.

People have the right to be wrong about us and our assumptions about people will sometimes be wrong.

It’s a reminder that someone’s preferences, likes, dislikes, tastes, desires, wants - they have 💯 to do with them. Not us. And vice versa.

It’s ALL about what we want in our lives and our freewill to choose.

And how we attach meaning to things:

🎣 I made the fish mean Greg was a good guy like my dad and bro who also fish.

🎣I made it mean that he had his own interests - which is something I wanted in my partner.

🎣I made it mean that he can go catch me some dinner.

🎣I made it mean he was probably out fishing with friends and would appreciate all my girl time and trips.

We all make quick judgments swiping. We all attach meaning to stuff in peoples profiles. It’s just our brains doing what brains do - judge.

And people swiping get to decide if you’re what they want - simply based on something that seems fishy to them in your profile! ;)

If you want to learn how to take dating WAAAAY less personally and know what a catch you are - let’s hook up >>> book a free call.