To Know You Is To Love You

confidence dating find love love love life self love Sep 13, 2021

One of my favorite things about coaching is it's impossible not to fall in love with my clients.

They're there on my zoom screen, struggling to love themselves, and I'm just loving on them and wishing they could see what I see.

It’s impossible not to fall in love with them, because they all show up as their real, messy, imperfect, and authentic selves.

They really show themselves and all their humanness to me on our calls. So I get the honor and privilege of REALLY knowing them.

And to know them is to love them.

I’m sure you all have a friend that is super real with you - and is far from perfect - and you love and adore them for all of it. Their insecurities & their strengths. We all have a mix of both.

I’m sure you also know someone who is guarded and puts on an act - and you feel less close or disconnected to them. You have that sense that they're holding back or not telling you the whole truth.

Most of my clients are battling their brain's fear around rejection, vulnerability, judgement, and showing up as their true authentic selves while dating.

But here's the truth -

People want to connect with the REAL YOU.

The “perfect” you is a fake.

Your person wants the real version.

Let people see you - so your person can find you. 🔦

I know it can feel scary sometimes. If you want help building your confidence and courage to show up as the real you - let’s chat.

Click here to set up a free discovery call.

Can’t wait to meet and fall in love with the real you! 😍